
Oh, well, that's the excitement over for the week. 5000 words, give or take a few hundred (I only keep daily tallies). Some of it I like quite a lot, some I'm not sure about, and some I know will need a good going over sooner or later. But that's alright. This is not going to be a long book, only 50, maybe 60 thousand words so I'm well on the way now ... meanwhile the editor's report on Luca Antara came through this week, it begins: This is superb. How about that? Best of all, she thinks the weaknesses are what I think the weaknesses are, which will make working together so much easier. We have a good understanding already, this is the third book we've done although the second one the publisher stood between us so we didn't actually have any direct communication. The numbers ... Luca is 100,000 plus and I want to get it down below that magic figure if it's at all possible, losing maybe 5000 words? Or, to put it another way, a week's work. Happy to let it go ...

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