This is the poster for my book, which I think I can now say is published ... without a launch it's a bit difficult to say. I heard ten days ago that my copies were in the post and spent all of last week waiting for them to arrive. It wasn't until Friday that I learned they had in fact been sent to my agents, so I made a quick trip over to Paddington to pick them, and the posters (I have three) up. Book looks good I think, I was mostly concerned as to how the reproductions would have come out - while they're perhaps a little down on colour, a bit muted, that somehow seems appropriate to both their provenance and the story the text tells. For those who are interested, I've posted the introduction to The Supply Party here.
So are you having a launch? Congratulations anyway
Congratulations Martin - may your own expedition reach its destination (and return to tell the tale!).
how can I get hold of a copy in England martin - amazon isn't showing any availability as yet .... being an isolated kiwi in sussex I am looking for my own supply party (sort of...)
No, no launch ... but maybe a bit of radio ... to tell the tale. Distributors are called Bookwise International, Ian, and they have a website. I think copies were only shipped last week so it might take a wee while to get onto Amazon.
Congratulations Martin.
I'll definitely buy a copy.
Loved the Intro! I now have the book down on my list of definitestobuy! Congratulations.
Belatedly, congrats. Hope to see it around in the bookshops here (well, one would think ...).
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